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Art Making as Spiritual Practice @ Virtual NCECA 2021

Heather Nameth Bren’s Creativity and Spirituality Reading List:

Instagram @heathernamethbren

Touring Exhibition: Constructed Mysteries: Spirituality and Creative Practice, curated by Kenneth Steinbach and Michelle Westmark Wingard; #constructed mysteries

  1. The Courage to Create, Rollo May

  2. The Courage to Be, Paul Tillich

  3. Walking on Water: Reflections on Faith and Art, Madeline L’Engle

  4. Art & Fear: Observations on the Perils (and Rewards) of Artmaking, David Bayles and Ted Orland

  5. The War of Art: Break through the Blocks and Win your Inner Creative Battles, Steven Pressfeild

  6. The Creative Habit: Learn it and use it for Life, Twyla Tharp

  7. The Book of Doing and Being, Barnet Bain

  8. Creative Practices for Visual Artists, Kenneth Steinbach

  9. Creativity: Where the Divine and the Human Meet, Mathew Fox

  10. Mindset, Carol S. Dweck

  11. Treasures of the Creative Spirit, Peter Piepenburg

  12. Improv Wisdom, Patricia Ryan Madsen

  13. Creativity and Art, Boded

  14. Art and the Christian Mind, Gasque

  15. Who’s Afraid of Modern Art, Siedell

  16. God in the Gallery, Siedell

  17. Creativity and Spirituality, Coleman

  18. Nurturing Creativity in the Classroom, Beghetto and Kaufman

  19. How Dogmatic Beliefs Harm Creativity and Higher Level Thinking, Ambrose and Sternberg

  20. The Effects of Religious Fundamentalism, Gad El-Haq

  21. The Soulwork of Clay: a Hands-on Approach to Spirituality, Bankson

Creativity-Spirituality Rubric by Heather Nameth Bren


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